Book summary

To help me fully decide what I wanted to do for my dissertation, I felt I had to read more into the fashion industry. Looking into what part of it I would like to concentrate on. After Looking through many books I decided I would like to look into the fashion industry and how jewellery has now become a large part in this industry. Concentrating on the changes that have occurred in the jewellery world due to the impact of the fashion world.
One book that helped me to gain knowledge on this subject was 'Fashion for Jewels' By Carol Woolton.
Carol Woolton wrote the book Fashion for Jewels in 2010. The main purpose of this book was to explain how over the years the fashion and jewellery worlds have become integrated. Jewellers have become more interested in fashion jewellery from the turn of the century up until now. Woolton looks into how jewellery trends have evolved. Researching the styles that have been and gone and in some cases came back around again.
The most important information that came from this book was how the jewellery industry has become increasingly linked to the fashion world. From fashion designers having fine jewels intricately sewn into their designs to films using beautiful dresses with bright jewels to enhance the light in the black and white films. Creating a sparkle in the actresses look. Louis Cartier was the first designer to realize that haute joaillerie would benefit by joining the fashion world. Showing this in 1925 at the Exposition des Arts Decoratifs, by exhibiting his work in the Pavillon de L’Elegance along with couturiers instead of in the Grand Palais along with the other jewellers. Now in the fashion world today in 2010 Paris couture week as the Federation Francaise de la Couture has included a haute joaillerie show (high class fashionable jewellery) for the first time, showing how integrated the two have become.
The key secondary sources that Woolton uses articles from top fashion magazines that have interviewed these world-class jewellers. Woolton refers to quotes from Vogue magazine in 1926 talking about new fashion trends emerging. Harper’s Bazaar magazine is another source that Woolton uses written by Diana Vreeland in 1937 commenting on Chanel’s winter look with clothes and using jewellery to complement to look. Woolton now works as the jewellery editor for the British Vogue magazine. From this work she will have sourced a large range of her information through researching designers in the archives of Vogue and visited the fine jewellery and fashion houses in Paris and London for her articles. Sources also came from Sotheby's archives. Woolton comments on celebrities and designers such as Lady Gaga and Alexander McQueen, who are very recent showing her research ranged from the 1920’s to 2010. By researching into this integration Woolton shows how easily the media and fashion industry can inspire people to follow new trends influencing designers to follow these new trends.
To conclude this book Woolton clearly shows the change in the jewellery industry over the past 100 years. This book has helped me gain further knowledge for my dissertation. By showing me the different aspects of the jewellery/ fashion world. There is a clear difference in the use of materials jewellers use. From the classical silver and gold with precious gemstones to the modern use of materials such as leather, resin and other plastics along with silver and gold. Showing the change in designers using more sustainable materials reflecting on the issues of today’s world. The introduction of new materials has pushed some designers to create more disposable jewellery. Fashion houses are now designing jewellery to sell to the masses as well as the one off expensive commission pieces. Showing the great change in the jewellery industry over the past 100 years.
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